Moorabool Reservoir

Steve Clark from Bolwarrah posted a historical photo on social media from the time of the project (1914-1915), comparing it to contemporary photos of the Reservoir and surrounding area today.

According to a piece from The Argus on October 30, 1914, construction of the Moorabool Reservoir required, at the time, "... 150 men and 100 horses employed, and these numbers will not be decreased for the next six months".

The project involved the removal of homes and deviation of roads along 380 acres of land, and increased the district's water storage capacity by 150 per cent with a total of 1.365 billion gallons (around 52 billion litres)

"Forty tons of steel were obtained from Belgium just prior to the war, to be used in the concrete embankment", and "the contract price for constructing the reservoir was £33,000", the article concludes.

Bolwarrah is a rural locality 85 km north- west of Melbourne and 15 km from Ballan. The name is thought to be derived from an Aboriginal word which described a shrub Eupomatia laurina, with glossy laurel like leaves. The shrub is known as rosebush or bolwarra

A post office and a school were opened in Bolwarrah in 1875 and 1886 respectively. There was a substantial village at the turn of the century, and it was described in the Australian handbook, 1903:

In 1915 the Moorabool Reservoir was constructed, inundating the village and much adjacent farmland. The school was moved, and a church and the post office survived. During the 1960s the school was closed

The Moorabool reservoir is a domestic water storage surrounded by forest and managed by Central Highlands Water.

Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Wednesday 12 February 1913, page 13



1 Details of the scheme 'for augmenting the water supply of Ballarat are given in a re port furnished to the Water Commission by Mr. T. Murray, engineer of the Water

Supply department. Mr. Murray states that periodically during droughts there is a shortage of water at Ballarat, as there is not enough storage. The local water com missioners have decided to construct a reservoir with a capacity of 1,377,000,000 gallons, or 5000 acre feet, at a cost of £43,020, and out of revenue, to meet the annual charges on existing and new loans. The present rate is to be raised from 1/ to 1/1 , in the pound. The expenditure will extend over at least two years. The population of Ballarat is 42,000, and Mr. Murray points out that with a one-third increase a sufficient water supply should be provided for 56,000 people. At 18,000 gallons per head per annum for all purposes, including sewerage, there should be at least 1,008,000.000 gallons available for delivery, and this quantity, without needless waste, would give a good supply. The capacity of the reservoir is 850,000,000 gallons in all, or about 3100 acre feet. The catchments total 20 square miles, and in addition 10 square miles, from the Western Moorabool have recently been diverted, but on this area there is no storage. The new reservoir will effect a great improvement , in the Ballarat water supply, giving a regular yearly output of 500,000,000 gallons, and retaining a reserve of water to cope with the requirements of dry seasons. With the existing basins, the new reservoir would, during past droughts, have been expected to maintain an annual supply of 1,030,000,000 gallons. Mr. Murray reports that the plans of the new work and the de tailed estimates of cost, revenue and charges are generally satisfactory. The affairs of the Ballarat water commissioners are in a sound financial position, and they have shown that they are well able to meet out of revenue the annual expenditure from existing and additional loans, and that the scheme is feasible and satisfactory. A sum of £15,000 is to be advanced by the Government as part of the expenditure on the reservoir.

Gordon, Egerton and Ballan Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 1 April 1915, page 1

Alleged Assault.

Constable Murphy, of Gordon, has arrested Wm. Cox, employed at the Moorabool reservoir on a charge of having assaulted Joseph Toohey, farmer, at Bolwarrah, on Saturday. It is alleged that as a result of the assault Toohey required treatment at the Ballarat Hospital for a fractured nose.

Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Saturday 11 April 1925, page 18


BALLARAT, Saturday. — Trout scaling up to 8 1b. are being taken from the Moorabool reservoir, with frog as the chief bait. 

Lake Burrumbeet, especially at the mouth of Bopeep creek, is yielding well, but mostly perch. 

A rainbow trout, which weighed 61/2 lb. was hooked by Mr. W. Taylor at Lake Wendouree, the largest of the species caught there for some years. A record brown trout for a lady angler was landed by. Mrs. H. Heath. It weighed 5 1b.. and is leading in the competition for the Humphreys-Carr Cup.

Researched and compiled by Andrew Parker 2025


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