Vaughan Springs - Fryerstown - Tubal Cain Mine
The Royal Arthur Gold Mine. The Fryerstown neighbourhood is perhaps one of the most tantalising areas in the whole Castlemaine mining district, and Glenluce, where the Royal Arthur mine is situated, has made and lost many fortunes. The reefs are so often rich when small, and worthless when large, besides getting lost in country disturbances, that there is no knowing what the worth of a mine is. The Royal Arthur is being floated to acquire the 42-acre leaseholds of Messrs. Miller Brothers at Glenluce. Mr. R. L. Nankivell, mining surveyor, Maldon, reports that three distinct lodes pass through the ground, known as the Tubal Cain, Cox's and the Liverpool reefs. About a year ago Messrs. Miller sunk a shaft 18ft. deep on the underlay of a surface reef. At 4 feet down the quartz stringers formed into a solid reef 4ft. wide, between well-defined walls, but it narrowed rapidly to two feet. The first crushing from the shaft of 7 tons yielded 30oz. gold, and the second of 6 tons...